Nvidia's new graphics cards are finally here! After months of rumors starting way back in March, the GTX 2080, 2080 ti and 2070 have finally been announced, and depending on who you ask, they're either 50% better, twice as good or 10 times faster, so what's the deal? We explain. Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: https://ift.tt/1k1iCZV • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the original home for technology news and reviews.
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Nvidia RTX Explained
Nvidia's new graphics cards are finally here! After months of rumors starting way back in March, the GTX 2080, 2080 ti and 2070 have finally been announced, and depending on who you ask, they're either 50% better, twice as good or 10 times faster, so what's the deal? We explain. Subscribe to Engadget on YouTube: http://engt.co/subscribe Get More Engadget: • Like us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1k1iCZT • Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/engadget • Follow us on Instagram: https://ift.tt/1k1iCZV • Read more: http://www.engadget.com Engadget is the original home for technology news and reviews.
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