Learn more about Cable Modems: http://bit.ly/2aQXgkl So what is a cable modem? And what is the difference between the router and a cable modem? Product Line Manager, Max Wu, and Channel Marketing Manager, Ben Pool are here to clear the air on everything about cable modems. Learn about what a cable modem does, why every home needs one, and which cable modem is right for you. In our Thought Leadership Video Series, you can learn about the basic questions of home networking and how you can choose the right product that best fits your needs. We will be going over the following questions: • What is a cable modem? 0:20 – 0:47 • What is a cable modem router? 0:48 – 1:16 • What cable modem is right for me? 1:17 – 2:05 • What is Cable Orbi? 2:06 – 2:45 • Why purchase my own cable modem, when I can rent one? 2:46 – 3:24 Be sure to subscribe for more videos! http://bit.ly/1JsK6Ej
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What is a Cable Modem? | NETGEAR
Learn more about Cable Modems: http://bit.ly/2aQXgkl So what is a cable modem? And what is the difference between the router and a cable modem? Product Line Manager, Max Wu, and Channel Marketing Manager, Ben Pool are here to clear the air on everything about cable modems. Learn about what a cable modem does, why every home needs one, and which cable modem is right for you. In our Thought Leadership Video Series, you can learn about the basic questions of home networking and how you can choose the right product that best fits your needs. We will be going over the following questions: • What is a cable modem? 0:20 – 0:47 • What is a cable modem router? 0:48 – 1:16 • What cable modem is right for me? 1:17 – 2:05 • What is Cable Orbi? 2:06 – 2:45 • Why purchase my own cable modem, when I can rent one? 2:46 – 3:24 Be sure to subscribe for more videos! http://bit.ly/1JsK6Ej
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