All pictures captured - now off to the post-production and directly to the customer. If that could just always be that easy. DGTL-Craft founder and retoucher, Alexander Wätzel, is well-known for his high-quality work in the editorial, fashion, and advertising scene. Because of his job, he's very aware of the pitfalls of large amounts of data. In this video he talks about how Synology optimized his workflow. DGTL-CRAFT Postproduction VIDEO: Hans -Georg Unrau
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Fast Photo Editing Directly on Your Storage | Synology
All pictures captured - now off to the post-production and directly to the customer. If that could just always be that easy. DGTL-Craft founder and retoucher, Alexander Wätzel, is well-known for his high-quality work in the editorial, fashion, and advertising scene. Because of his job, he's very aware of the pitfalls of large amounts of data. In this video he talks about how Synology optimized his workflow. DGTL-CRAFT Postproduction VIDEO: Hans -Georg Unrau
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