In today's agile work environment - customers need to collaborate in real time with partners, vendors and customers and they want the best collaboration tools possible. At the same time, they're cognisant of potential accidental or intentional misuse of data and malicious attacks - and the financial and company reputation ramifications they can have. Cisco provides best-in-class collaboration tools with true end-to-end encryption that enable secure cross-company collaboration. Find out more about the six considerations for collaboration security and the new Webex Extended Security Pack - which provides full-functionality Cisco Cloudlock CASB for Webex Teams with native Webex anti-malware capabilities powered by Cisco Talos ClamAV. Subscribe to Cisco's YouTube channel:
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#CiscoChat Live - Enterprise-Grade Trust: Collaboration without Compromise
In today's agile work environment - customers need to collaborate in real time with partners, vendors and customers and they want the best collaboration tools possible. At the same time, they're cognisant of potential accidental or intentional misuse of data and malicious attacks - and the financial and company reputation ramifications they can have. Cisco provides best-in-class collaboration tools with true end-to-end encryption that enable secure cross-company collaboration. Find out more about the six considerations for collaboration security and the new Webex Extended Security Pack - which provides full-functionality Cisco Cloudlock CASB for Webex Teams with native Webex anti-malware capabilities powered by Cisco Talos ClamAV. Subscribe to Cisco's YouTube channel:
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